昨日西风凋碧树,独自高楼,望尽天涯路。 衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。 众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 -王国维《人间词语》

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I have long forgotten how to express myself.


Many a times, I give up way before even trying to express my views/thoughts/randomness.


Right now, I played with my fingers for a good few minutes before anything came into mind.






Man, I give up. This is taking me too long.



1. I am really fine & coping well.

2. I am in a really bad shape that I dont even realise it myself.


Which is it?

I don't know.

The question which I have been posing myself for at least the past 10 years with no answers to it.


Answer leads to question, that leads to another answer, and more questions.


The clown behind the mask? Or the mask behind the clown?

dotdotger 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 21 Sat 2010 01:00
  • Void

*stares hard at screen*


*blinks eyes*


*raises eyebrow*




It's like the black hole. Everything gets sucked in, and nothing ever comes out.

Dark, empty, nothing.

Emptiness feels the void, yet everything.









dotdotger 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Selling 我的美丽日记 My Beauty Diary Masks!

Location: Singapore 

SGD $2.50/mask

3 Types of masks for sale:
[70]   White Peony Tea Mask
[130] White Truffle Whitenening Mask
[100] Platinum Colliod Mask

* Good-thru-period: 28.04.2010~28.04.2013
* Email me at for orders!

* Only providing meet-up service @ certain areas


Click here for more details on the masks.


mybeautydiaryluxurymasks.jpgPlatinum Colliod Mask.jpgWhite Truffle Whitenening Mask.JPG

White Peony Tea Mask.jpg

dotdotger 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


She is THE textbook.


Unbelivable sensation when I first watched her ice-skate. I was almost at tears. For the simple fact that she is simply amazing - beautiful, graceful & she makes ice-skating comes alive.


As a music lover, music ranks ahead over anything else.

To me, a piece of music acts like a companion & guide to the ice-skaters and their routines. It is like dancing, where most of us (non-pros) dance to the music. But how a pro does it? They dance with the music. A fusion of two exciting entities that combust into this magnificient fireworks, and they bring out the best in each other.

Applying that same logic to ice-skating, only Yu Na Kim can do that.


I can't ice-skate for nuts even though I love watching the sport. But honestly, not many skater stands out as much, unlike Yu Na Kim.


I am no ice-skating pro, once again. But when I watched her spins, I almost cried. How can there exist such gracefulness and near perfection?


No amount of words can describe this lady - World's #1 female ice-skater.


Let the video do the talking.


Yu Na Kim Winter Olympic Record



2009 4CC Yuna Kim SP New World Record 72.24 (figure skating)



Yu-Na Kim - Long Program - 2009 World Figure Skating Championships

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